Welcome to Sydney!

Getting Acquainted to a new city and country with a Free City Walking Tour

July 29, 2019

After a 10 hour flight from Honolulu, USA, I finally made it to Sydney! Arriving in Australia was a bit surreal because that meant that this adventure was finally happening! After countless months of research and planning, I finally arrived! I spent the first day and a half adjusting to the timezone, sorting out my tax file number, and Australian sim card. I was very happy with my decision to travel slowly west because this helped greatly with jetlag. By hitting each time zone along the way, the effects of jet lag were very minimal.

Once I settled in for my two-week stay in Sydney, I decided to venture out and discover the city. Luckily, just two days after I arrived, my hostel was offering a free city walking tour. This is the number one activity I recommend for everyone visiting a hostel that offers a tour. It is a great way to get accustomed to the layout of the city, see the sites, and also meet others staying at the hostel!

ANZAC Memorial

The first stop of the tour was the ANZAC Memorial located in Hyde Park. For those that are unaware, ANZAC stands for Australian & New Zealand Army Corps. This memorial was built for the fallen soldiers from Australia and New Zealand after World War I.

ANZAC Memorial and Reflection Pool in Sydney
ANZAC Memorial and Reflection Pool.

It is a solemn memorial and silence is expected when visiting. My favorite parts of the memorial were the 120,000 gold stars laid in the ceiling of the dome. One star for each soul lost. And also the reflection pool outside the memorial. On a clear, sunny day, the reflection pool reflects the image of the building and sky like a mirror.

Ceiling of 120,000 stars ANZAC Memorial in Sydney
Can you make out the 120,000 tiny stars on the ceiling?!

St. Mary’s Cathedral

A short walk through Hyde Park brought us to our next destination, St. Mary’s Cathedral. A beautiful Catholic basilica in the heart of Sydney. The stained glass windows and architecture are stunning!

Exterior of St. Mary's Cathedral in Sydney
Exterior St. Mary’s Cathedral
Interior windows and arches of St. Mary's Cathedral in Sydney
Interior St. Mary’s Cathedral

State Library of New South Wales

Around the corner from St. Mary’s is the State Library of New South Wales, the oldest library in Australia. The Reading Room reminds me of the library in The Beauty and the Beast (slightly) with all its rows and levels of books.

Exterior of State Library of New South Wales in Sydney
Exterior State Library of New South Wales (NSW)
The Reading Room inside the State Library of New South Wales in Sydney
The Reading Room

There is also the marble replication of the Tasman Map in the entrance hall of the library. The Tasman Map depicts the two voyages of Abel Tasman, a Dutchman, in the 1640s that led him to discover Tasmania, New Zealand, and Fiji. Did you know that it was the Dutch that first discovered Australia? Not the British! The Tasman Map floor is in Dutch, to honor the Dutch explorers who first sighted Australia.

Marble Tasman Map in veranda of State Library of New South Wales in Sydney
Tasman Map

Royal Botanic Gardens

The best place to relax and enjoy the sunny weather in Sydney is at the Royal Botanic Gardens. Always packed during lunchtime, it is where the city slickers escape to grab a bite to eat and bask in the sun. The flowers are beautiful, and it was still wintertime when I visited! The Royal Botanic Gardens is also the best spot to view the Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge.

Purple and white flower beds in Royal Botanic Gardens in Sydney
Flower beds in Royal Botanic Gardens
Giant Koala plant sculpture in Royal Botanic Gardens in Sydney
Only in Australia would there be a giant Koala plant sculpture! Love it!
Downtown Sydney from the Succulent Garden in Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney
Downtown Sydney from the Succulent Garden
Golden Orb spider in web at succulent garden in Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney
First large spider sighting in Australia! This is a Golden Orb Spider. It is venomous, but will not kill a human if bitten. You will just feel like you have the flu for a couple days.

Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge

Once we soaked in the view of the Opera House and bridge from the Royal Botanic Gardens, we made our way around the bay to get up close and personal. Up close, the Sydney Opera House looks so different! It seems much larger!

View of Sydney Harbor Bridge and Opera House through tress and red flowers taken in Royal Botanic Garden
Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge from the Royal Botanical Gardens
Sydney skyline, Sydney Opera House, and Sydney Harbor Bridge from Royal Botanic Gardens
Sydney Skyline from gardens

Did you know that the Sydney Opera House was designed by Jørn Utzon, a man from Denmark? His design won the competition out of over 200 applications! Inspiration for the opera house struck while he was eating an orange! Crazy to think that the even segments of an orange, not sails, inspired his design.

Sydney Opera House
Sydney Opera House

Up close to the opera house, you can see that the segments are an off-white, shale color, not a bright white. This was deliberately chosen because had the tiles been bright white, Sydney would be blinded by it when hit by the sun.

Sydney Harbor Bridge from Sydney Opera House
Sydney Harbour Bridge

Angel Place

After lunch, we walked through Angel Place. Angel Place is a back alley that houses an interesting art installation. Suspended above your head are hundreds of birdcages.

Birdcages over Angel Place Sydney back alley
Birdcages over Angel Place

Darling Harbour

On the west side of Sydney is located Darling Harbor. Known for its amazing restaurants and nightlife, it is the place to be after dark.

Darling Harbor Bridge and downtown Sydney
Darling Harbour


Our last stop of the tour was Sydney’s Chinatown. Something I find amazing about Sydney, and Australia as a whole, is that everything is so clean! Chinatowns across the globe are typically run down, dirty, and smelly. But not here! It was incredibly clean! We stopped at Emperors Garden Cakes and Bakery to try out some Emperor’s Cream Puffs! They were delicious!

Gate to Chinatown in Sydney

I had an amazing time on the free walking tour through Sydney. It was a full day of walking and seeing the many sights of the city. I met an amazing group of people on the tour and was able to learn so much history from our amazing tour guide, Alba.