
Welcome everyone to my blog, The Wanderful Moments! The purpose of this blog is to document and share my wandering adventures around the world! I hope to share some insight to friends and family on the places I visit and to also offer advice for other travelers looking for inspiration. I love reading travel blogs to gain ideas on where to travel next, so hopefully, I can help others as well through this outlet!

Just a few things to note:

Please keep this a friendly, peaceful environment, especially in the comments. Negativity, rudeness, trolling, spam, etc will not be tolerated. Constructive feedback is always welcome but in a polite way. I invite anyone and everyone to ask questions! I am more than happy to answer them (as long as they are appropriate).

I will not be making posts in real-time for logistical and safety reasons. What this means is that I will be posting about my adventures after I have left the area and will not be disclosing where I am heading to next. As a solo female traveler safety is my number one concern. Also, I intend to enjoy my ‘moments wandering’ the world, so I will be living in front of the screen, not behind the screen writing all the time. I will try my best to keep this updated regularly though!

I know my decision to travel long term is unconventional according to American society, but I hope my experience shows the positivity of the journey. That leaving my job and traveling the world isn’t a foolish thing to do, that there are life lessons to be learned and personal growth to be had. Is this decision a terrible mistake? Maybe, but I will never know unless I try. If I run home with my tail between my legs, then so be it. At least it will be a great adventure with many wanderful moments to look back on!