New Englander with Midwestern Roots

June 19th – July 1st, 2019

The first segment away from home was actually at my home away from home! North Dakota! Anyone who knows me well knows I love North Dakota! I spent my summer vacations almost every year, from the time I was born, visiting this great state. 

For those that don’t know me, you are probably thinking…’ North Dakota? Really? Why? What’s there?’

Well, let me tell you. And show you!

As the title suggests, I’m a New Englander with Midwestern Roots. I was born and raised in Massachusetts, but my mom was born and raised in North Dakota, and therefore the reason we would visit roughly once a year. As a child, I would complain about going to North Dakota as our ‘vacation,’ because like any child, I wanted to go to Disney World or anywhere else for that matter! However, as I grew older, I started to appreciate the unique opportunity I had, visiting this lovely state.

North Dakota is a state completely different than the one I grew up in. It is about 10 times the size of MA, but with only a population of 760,000 compared to MA’s 6.9 million (numbers as of July 2019)! Quite a difference! 

Why I Love North Dakota

What ND has that MA doesn’t is wide, open, unobstructed spaces. And bugs, lots of bugs! The topography of ND is very flat, with vast fields that stretch as far as the eye can see! It is a state where the only thing you see every few miles or so, are farms, and where you don’t reach a town until 30 minutes down the road. ND is where the speed limit is 80 miles an hour because the roads run straight from east-west, north-south, but you DO have to watch out for deer! 

As a child, I learned where our food comes first hand. Watching my Grandpa and uncles work the land and grow crops to feed America’s families. Where the topic of conversation oftentimes was about the weather, not because there wasn’t anything else to talk about, but because the weather affects their livelihood. It is a vital part of their lives.

North Dakota is where I learned to drive a car at the good ole age of 8! Driving my parents’ Mercury Sable around the fields and haystacks. Learning to parallel park between the haystacks and avoid a head-on collision. Those years helped me become the confident driver I am today. 

This area of the country is where you can look up at the night sky and see millions of stars clearly, without any haze, smog, or light pollution. Where the air is fresh and the silence welcoming. Where menacing thunderstorms that are rolling across the plains are beautiful, not frightening (most of the time). 

There is absolute beauty to behold in North Dakota. It is a hidden gem that I think all Americans should visit at least once in their lives. Everyone always complains that they want to ‘get away from it all, away from all the hubbub.’ Well….North Dakota is the perfect place to get away from it all! Where you can find true peace and quiet. The perfect place to vacation for this introverted traveler. 

Family Time!

So this is where my journey begins. With a family reunion in North Dakota. Where I was able to see all my maternal relatives before heading off on my own!

It was a weekend filled with reminiscing and good old fashioned fun! And food. Lots of food. Never-ending food. 

We played so many fun games! Card games, ‘Tiny hands’, three-legged race, egg race, volleyball, and bags/cornhole. The list goes on and on! The weekend was filled with tractor rides and ended perfectly with phenomenal fireworks! 

But after a fun-filled weekend, sadness kicked in when I had to say goodbye to my brother and mother. But it’s not a forever goodbye, its a see you later!
Luckily I had the familiarity of being in North Dakota and the support of relatives to help ease the transition. 

The Lake Life

I was very fortunate to be able to spend the rest of my time with family at my aunt and uncle’s lake cabin in Minnesota! It was an unexpected side trip, but perfect! Now I’m not much of a swimmer, but the peacefulness of the lake was amazing! So much scenery and wildlife to take in! I could sit on the porch and stare out at the lake forever! Thank you, Teri, Steve, and Jaiya for having me at the lake and being part of your pontoon’s maiden voyage!  

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