Makapu’u Lighthouse Trail

The Most Beautiful View on Oahu

July 21, 2019

After recovering from the hike up Diamond Head Monument, I decided to keep heading East, or known as the Windward Coast. The drive along the coast is incredibly scenic and if you can visit, I recommend being a passenger so you can soak up the amazing views! As I was driving along, I saw a sign for Makapu’u lookout, so I decided to stop and take a look. I remembered my hosts had mentioned it was their favorite hike. And boy were they right!

Makapu’u Lookout vs Makapu’u Lighthouse Trail

Right off the main road is a small parking lot with a lookout platform that looks out over the ocean and Makapu’u Beach. The view is beautiful with lush green mountains sloping down to meet the ocean. Out in the water, you can see Kāohikaipu Island State Seabird Sanctuary, where it is illegal to visit unless you have permission.

View from Makapu'u Lookout
View from Makapu’u Lookout (Sorry the picture is a little fuzzy, forgot to clean the lens!)

From this vantage point, you are not able to see the lighthouse. You either have to continue down Kalaniana’ole Highway or hike the trail up to it. The trail cannot be reached from the lookout parking lot, instead, you need to go down the drive just before the lookout and park there. If leaving from the Makapu’u Lookout parking lot, you are not able to make a left turn, so you must go right, then turn around.

I did not plan to do a second hike that day, but the views from the lookout were spectacular and I wanted to see them from the lighthouse! So I made my way to the appropriate parking lot and started my hike

Where to Park

As mentioned above, make sure you park in the correct parking lot for the hike. Many tourists, like myself, missed the lighthouse hike road and ended up at the Makapu’u Lookout lot instead. If driving north on Kalaniana’ole Highway, the lighthouse trail will be before the lookout.

You will notice this all over Oahu, but there are signs in all tourist parking lots warning of high theft. This seems to be a constant and major problem on the island. Be smart, do not leave any valuables in the car and make sure everything is out of sight.

Theft warning sign at Makapu'u Lighthouse parking lot
High Theft Area Sign. These are located all over the island and are there for a reason. I heard of peoples cars being broken into all the time! Be vigilant!

Due to the time of day, the lot was already full, so I had to park at the beginning of the road up on the hill. If you get there early, I recommend parking as close to the hike entrance as possible, as climbing up another hill to get back to your car after hiking is not fun!

View of parking lot from half way up Makapu'u Point
View of the parking lot from half way up Makapu’u Point

The Hike

Hiking up to the top of Makapu’u Point Lookout was a relatively easy hike. The path is completely paved over with only a few steep inclines. Otherwise, it is a reasonable slope up to the top.

Path up to Makapu'u lighthouse
Nice, easy trail to walk up!

Silly me decided to go around midday and forgot to reapply sunscreen. There is hardly any shade on this trail, so make sure to apply sunscreen, bring lots of water, and a hat!

View of Hanauma Bay, Koko Head, and Sandy Beach from Makapu'u Lighthouse trail
View to the south: Hanauma Bay, Koko Head, Sandy Beach

On the walk up the trail, you can see the incredible view of Koko Head to the south, Sandy Beach, and Hanauma Bay.

Rocks, hill, and sea at Makapu'u Lighthouse Trail
Beautiful, yet terrifying look down from the trail!

The Tide Pools

Towards the top of Makapu’u Point, there is an unmarked trail to the left of a lookout sign that brings you down to some tide-pools. It would have been amazing to go down there. With the trail being unmarked, steep, and being as tired as I was, I did not trust myself to climb down there then back up. Had I planned to only go to the tide pools and had the energy, I would have loved to visit. The tide pools are off-limits, but many people seemed to be making the journey down there, with quite a few already enjoying the waters!

Tide Pools at Makapu'u Lighthouse Trail
Picturesque Tide Pools. Can you make out the people on the cliff and pools?

The Lighthouse and its Keeper’s Quarters

Instead, I carried on and finally made it to the top. At the top of Makapu’u Point, there used to be the lighthouse keeper’s quarters, but the buildings have since been torn down. However, you can still see the outlines of them and are accompanied by historical markers of what used to be there.

Makapu'u Lighthouse
Idyllic Lighthouse and the trail to it

From the lighthouse keeper’s former residence, there is a trail that heads downhill to the lighthouse. I did not attempt to visit the lighthouse because the trail seemed in disrepair, with fencing missing along a steep cliff. The trail to the lighthouse is also off-limits, but I saw a few people heading down there regardless.

View of Makapu'u Lighthouse from above
The Lighthouse from Makapu’u Point

Makapu’u Point

Rather, I carried on to the concrete platforms at the tippy top of Makapu’u Point. It was very windy at the top, which felt nice on such a hot day. I was thankful for the guardrails at the top which made me feel secure. The view was similar to the one at Makapu’u Lookout, but from this elevation, it was ten times better! From here you could see the mountains, beaches, islands, and lighthouse!

view from Makapu'u Point mountains and sea
My all-time favorite view in Oahu. Taken from Makapu’u Point. (sorry the picture is a little fuzzy, silly me forgot to clean the lens)

Of all the stunning and majestic views on Oahu, Makapu’u Point was my absolute favorite. When I think of Oahu, I immediately envision this exact spot!