Coogee to Bondi Beach Coastal Walk

July 31, 2019

As mentioned in my last post, I love participating in hostel led tours and activities! So I was very eager to join the hostel-led Coogee to Bondi Beach Coastal Walk just a couple days later. I was also very happy to see that Alba was the tour guide again! Although the weather was not ideal and we dealt with a touch of rain, the coastal walk was still amazing!

We started our journey by taking the #372 bus from outside our hostel to Coogee Beach. Here is where we started our 6 km (3.7 mi) walk along the coastal cliffs. Along the walk we visited a total of 6 beaches/bays:

  1. Coogee Beach
  2. Gordon’s Bay
  3. Clovelly Beach
  4. Bronte Beach
  5. Tamarama Beach
  6. Bondi Beach

Coogee Beach

To the left of Coogee Beach is where the walk begins and an area referred to as ‘The Baths’. You walk down some stairs along the cliff and it brings you to a fairy pool. On a nicer day, it would be a great place to lounge in the water. 

Coogee Beach along coastal walk
Coogee Beach
The Baths entrance at Coogee Beach
Entrance to the Baths at Coogee Beach
The Baths at Coogee Beach
The Bath at Coogee Beach

Gordon’s Bay

View of Gordon's Bay coastal walk
Gordon’s Bay. Very pretty, but small and smelly! Yuck!

Clovelly Beach

Something that I first noticed here was the seaside salt pools. Along a few beaches, Clovelly, Bronte, and Bondi, there are swimming pools right along the beaches where you can swim. This is a great idea because it is much safer. The currents, jellyfish, and sharks along this coast can be very dangerous, so having those pools is a great way to enjoy the water safely! 

Coastal walk from Clovelly Beach to Bronte Beach
Walk from Clovelly Beach to Bronte
Waverley Cemetery along coastal walk
Waverley Cemetery
View of boardwalk along coastal walk from Clovelly Beach to Bronte Beach
Clovelly to Bronte walk

Bronte Beach

My favorite Beach we visited. On the walk from Clovelly to Bronte, we passed an amazing cemetery on the cliffs. Not a bad place to be buried huh? I also enjoyed watching the surfers catch some massive waves! 

Surfers in water at Bronte Beach
Surfers at Bronte Beach
Sea side pool at Bronte Beach
Sea-side pool at Bronte Beach

Tamarama Beach

Rocks at Tamarama Beach
Tamarama Beach

Bondi Beach

Our final destination was the infamous Bondi Beach. I was so excited to visit because I had heard so much about it and also because I loved watching the show Bondi Rescue. However, once we turned the corner and the beach came into view, it was kind of like “oh this is it?” The beach was not exactly how I thought it would be, but that could be because it was raining, no one was swimming, and the beach was covered in marquees for a race. Since it started to downpour, we decided to skip walking along the beach and instead enjoy and beer and meal inside The Bavarian restaurant.

Colorful Bondi Beach Skate Park sign
Bondi Skate Park Art
Military welcome to Bondi mural
One of many murals at Bondi Beach
Sea side pool at Bondi Beach
Sea-side pool at Bondi Beach